Graham White is a biologist and a consultant ecologist who served as the Board Chair from March 2015 to September 2020.
He majored in Zoology and Botany for a BSc from UWI and an MSc in Ecology from the University College of North Wales Bangor. After graduating he joined the Department of Life Sciences at UWI St Augustine for two years, first as a teaching assistant and then as an assistant lecturer. He subsequently spent 14 years at the Caroni Research Station where he worked on ecological pest management, primarily on rice and citrus. His career shifted towards project management and business processes and he is currently Director of Quality Assurance at a private tertiary level institution. He still however provides ecological consultancy services.
He has extensive practical knowledge of the biodiversity of Trinidad and Tobago is an avid birder, and is a member of the Trinidad and Tobago Rarities Committee. He is a member of the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club (TTFNC), the Neotropical Bird Club, and the Caribbean Ornithological Society. He serves as the Assistant Editor of the Living World Journal published by the TTFNC. Graham brings a pragmatic approach to conservation based on ecological principles, practical land management, and a process approach to all management.