Welcome to the Asa Wright Nature Centre (AWNC)

We are a non-profit Land Trust in Trinidad and Tobago and our mission is “to preserve a part of the Arima Valley in its natural state; to create a conservation and study area; and to protect the wildlife therein for the enjoyment and benefit of all persons of this and succeeding generations“.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We have added a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to our website to answer the questions that we are most asked.

Join the Bellbird newsletter

Catch up on all of the Centre’s programs and outreach activities in each new issue of The Bellbird, the official newsletter of the Asa Wright Nature Centre. 


Every donation we receive from

you is wisely invested to help create a better

world for nature and the human race.

Every donation we receive from you is wisely invested to help create a better world for nature and the human race.